Thursday, November 24, 2005

Lover of Dogs

Hi! as you may gather from the title I'm a dog lover, and a lover of nature, sunshine, blue skies, , hey ho, I must sound a bit weird, Anyhow, I've had a few dogs, not too many but about 7 in all, I just lost one at 12 years old, I still feel gutted about it, though it was about two months ago. I'm down to one now, and am thinking about having a new one, fancy the name Dixie, but right now it's a bit ruddy cold to fancy going out in the garden for poo time at 3 a.m, dread the idea of this cold spell that's approaching.
Saw a kestrel out hunting yesterday, it was hovering up there and it was being mobbed by all thes little birds, finches I expect, it dive bombed into the grass and swooped off to a high tree, the little birds chasing all the way, I wonder if it caught lunch/dinner?
The squirrels are chasing each other round the trees, having a great time,
I like to keep the birds well fed, but I get a few pesky cats coming in the garden, there were a few feathers on the ground the other day, hmmmmmmmm I wonder, I just send the dog out to chase the cat if Isee it around, SCAT, CAT!
Cold weather is creeping down from the North according to Sally traffic, with sleet and hail.
I enjoy doing a bit of painting too, might get round to flashing a bit of my work soon, what the hell, as I'm new to this I added one now as if I hit the back button I'll probably lose everything I've done so far, I've done that a few times, so you'll just have to put up with the piccie.
It's started raining, and I've got to go out and take my dog for a walk. catch you all later.

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